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Prime Minister Youth Loan Scheme 2024 – Prime Minister Youth Program Loan Scheme

 Prime Minister’s Youth Business & Agriculture Loan Scheme (PMYB&ALS)

Prime Minister Youth Loan Scheme 2024 – Prime Minister Youth Program Loan Scheme

1.  Please refer to IH&SMEFD Circular No. 08 of 2019 dated July 11, 2019 and subsequent instructions issued from time to time regarding Prime Minister’s Kamyab Jawan Youth Entrpreneur Scheme (PMKJ-YES)

Prime Minister Youth Loan Scheme 2024 – Prime Minister Youth Program Loan Scheme

Prime Minister Youth Loan Scheme 2024 – Prime Minister Youth Program Loan Scheme

Prime Minister Youth Loan Scheme 2024 – Prime Minister Youth Program Loan Scheme

Prime Minister Youth Loan Scheme 2024 – Prime Minister Youth Program Loan Scheme

Prime Minister Youth Loan Scheme 2024 – Prime Minister Youth Program Loan Scheme

2.  Government of Pakistan has approved revisions in the key features of PMKJ-YES with a view to make it more purposeful and beneficial for small businesses and agriculture. The new components of interest free microloans and agriculture loans have been added in the scheme. Moreover, the scheme has been renamed as Prime Minister’s Youth Business & Agriculture Loan Scheme (PMYB&ALS). The key features of PMYB&ALS approved by the Government of Pakistan are reproduced below:


Dear Applicant

You must have scanned copies / clear visible pictures of following documents ready before you start your application:

1. Passport Size Picture

2. CNIC – Front Side

3. CNIC – Back Side

4. Latest Educational degree / certificate, if and whichever applicable: Matric, Intermediate, Bachelors, Masters, PHD etc.

5. Experience certificate(s), if applicable

6. License / Registration with Chamber or Trade Body, if applicable

7. Recommendation Letter from respective chamber / trade body or Union, this is mandatory in case of existing business.

You must have the following information handy before you start your application:

8. National Tax Number, in case you do not have one please register at https://fbr.gov.pk/categ/register-income-tax/51147/30846/71148

9. Consumer ID of Electricity bill of your current address. (NITB to link image of where consumer ID is written on electricity bill)
10. Consumer ID of Electricity bill of your current office address, if applicable.

11. Complete Registration number of any vehicle registered in your name, if applicable.

12. Name, CNIC and Mobile numbers of Two References other than Blood relatives.

13. An estimate of Monthly business income, business expenses, household expenses and other income should be available with you in case of new business while in case of existing business please provide actual Monthly business income, business expenses, household expenses and other income, if any details.

The Prime Minister’s Youth Programme (PMYP) app brings all PMYP initiatives to your fingertips. This comprehensive dashboard lets any young Pakistani apply to our programmes, explore opportunities, and broaden their horizons. Young people can apply to various programmes including PM’s Youth Business & Agricultural Loan Scheme, PM’s National Innovation Award, PM’s Talent Hunt Youth Sports, and several others.

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  1. State Bank Prime Minister Youth Loan Program 
  2. Bank Alfalah Prime Minister Youth Loan Program 
  3. HBL Prime Minister Youth Loan Program 
  4. UBL Prime Minister Youth Loan Program 
  5. Bank Al Habib Prime Minister Youth Loan Program 
  6. Allied Bank Prime Minister Youth Loan Program 

State Bank Prime Minister Youth Loan Program

1. PM Loan: An Overview

The State Bank of Pakistan offers a Prime Minister Youth Loan program for young people between the ages of 21 and 45. The program offers loans of up to Rs. 1 million for business and education purposes. The program is designed to help young people start their own businesses or pursue higher education. The loan program is offered at a subsidized interest rate of 5% per annum. The loan program is open to all Pakistani citizens who are 21 years of age or older.

2. Eligibility Criteria for PM Loan

1. Age Criteria

You must be between the ages of 21 and 45 years to be eligible for the PM loan.

2. Employment Criteria

You must be employed in order to be eligible for the PM loan. This can be in the public or private sector, and includes self-employment. You must have a steady income in order to repay the loan.

3. Citizenship Criteria

You must be a Pakistani citizen to be eligible for the PM loan.

4. Asset Criteria

You must have assets in Pakistan in order to be eligible for the PM loan. These assets can be in the form of property, land, or a business.

5. Income Criteria

Your household income must be below the poverty line to be eligible for the PM loan.

3. Types of PM Loan

The State Bank of Pakistan offers a Youth Loan program for young entrepreneurs between the ages of 21 and 45. The program offers three different types of loans, each with its own requirements and benefits.

Type 1: Business Loan

The first type of loan is a business loan. This loan is for young entrepreneurs who want to start or expand their businesses. The loan amount can be up to Rs. 5 million and the repayment period is up to 4 years.

Type 2: Skill Development Loan

The second type of loan is a skill development loan. This loan is for young entrepreneurs who want to improve their skills by taking courses or training. The loan amount can be up to Rs. 300,000 and the repayment period is up to 2 years.

Type 3: Youth Housing Loan

The third type of loan is a youth housing loan. This loan is for young entrepreneurs who want to buy or build their own homes. The loan amount can be up to Rs. 5 million and the repayment period is up to 10 years.

4. Interest Rates on PM Loan

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has announced a new interest rate structure for the Prime Minister Youth Loan Program. Under the new structure, the interest rate on PM Youth Loans will be determined in accordance with the following tiers:

Tier 1: For loan amounts up to Rs. 500,000, the interest rate will be 12.5% per annum.

Tier 2: For loan amounts between Rs. 500,001 and Rs. 1,000,000, the interest rate will be 13.5% per annum.

Tier 3: For loan amounts between Rs. 1,000,001 and Rs. 5,000,000, the interest rate will be 14.5% per annum.

The new interest rate structure will be effective from 1st July 2019 and will apply to all new and existing loan accounts.

6. License / Registration with Chamber or Trade Body, if applicable

7. Recommendation Letter from respective chamber / trade body or Union, this is mandatory in case of existing business.

You must have the following information handy before you start your application:

8. National Tax Number, in case you do not have one please register at https://fbr.gov.pk/categ/register-income-tax/51147/30846/71148

9. Consumer ID of Electricity bill of your current address. (NITB to link image of where consumer ID is written on electricity bill)
10. Consumer ID of Electricity bill of your current office address, if applicable.

11. Complete Registration number of any vehicle registered in your name, if applicable.

12. Name, CNIC and Mobile numbers of Two References other than Blood relatives.

13. An estimate of Monthly business income, business expenses, household expenses and other income should be available with you in case of new business while in case of existing business please provide actual Monthly business income, business expenses, household expenses and other income, if any details.

The Prime Minister’s Youth Programme (PMYP) app brings all PMYP initiatives to your fingertips. This comprehensive dashboard lets any young Pakistani apply to our programmes, explore opportunities, and broaden their horizons. Young people can apply to various programmes including PM’s Youth Business & Agricultural Loan Scheme, PM’s National Innovation Award, PM’s Talent Hunt Youth Sports, and several others.

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