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National Institute of Health (NIH) Jobs 2024

 The National Institute of Health (NIH) Jobs 2024 Islamabad is a distinguished public health organization dedicated to offering comprehensive healthcare and facilities. Engaged in a wide range of technical, administrative, and health services, NIH addresses the challenges of epidemics, viral disease outbreaks, and emerging infections.

National Institute of Health (NIH) Jobs 2024

 The Institute has been instrumental in managing and mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting its critical role in public health.

The National Institute of Health, Islamabad, invites applications for the following positions:

Vacant Posts for NIH Islamabad Jobs advertisement:
S.NoName of PostBPSDomicileNo. of PostsEligibility CriteriaAge
1Boiler EngineerBS-14Punjab01Matric with 3rd Class Diploma in Boiler Engineering or DEA (Mechanical) with 3rd Class Diploma. 6 years’ experience required.18-25 years
2Power Electrician/LinemanBS-09Punjab-1, Sindh (R)-102Matric with 1-year certificate/course or 2 years’ experience in electrical power control, HT & LT circuit breakers, etc.18-25 years
3Gas WelderBS-07Punjab01Matric with certificate or Diploma in Gas Welding. 5 years’ experience required.18-25 years
4PlumberBS-05Local Basis02Matric with skill in trade and 3 years’ experience.18-25 years
5ElectricianBS-05Local Basis01Matric with 6 months’ certificate in the relevant field.18-25 years
6DriverBS-04Local Basis04Primary pass, valid driving license holder, and well-versed in traffic rules.18-30 years
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS/INFORMATION for National institute of health islamabad jobs 2024 online apply:
  1. These positions are contributory fund (CP fund) jobs. Terms and conditions will be communicated with the appointment letter.
  2. Age relaxation of 5 years is applicable as per government policy (Establishment Division’s SRO 586(1)/99 and F.9/2/91-R.5).
  3. Age calculated as of the last date of application submission.
  4. Advance applications will not be entertained.
  5. Current government employees should apply through proper channels.
  6. Eligibility will be based on academic qualifications as specified.
  7. No TA/DA will be provided for tests/interviews.
  8. Only shortlisted candidates invited for tests/interviews.
  9. The authority reserves the right to cancel or postpone the recruitment process at any stage.
  10. The last date for submission of applications is 15 days from the date of this advertisement.
Advertisement of NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH ISLAMABAD www.nih.org.pk jobs 2024
How to Apply for www.nih.org.pk jobs 2024:
  1. Download the application form from www.nih.org.pk/careers or apply via https://njp.gov.pk/.
  2. Send the completed application form, along with copies of CNIC, academic degrees, and experience certificates, by courier to the Administrative Officer within 15 days of the advertisement’s publication.
  3. Hand-delivered applications not considered.

Contact: Administrative Officer
Tel: 051-9255850


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