Jobs Type
Computer Lab Assistant
Career Counsellor/Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
IT Assistant
Admin Supervisor
Accounts Officer
Office Boy/Haris
Dear Candidate,
We appreciate your interest to join the PISR team and serve the Pakistani community.
Pakistan International School, Riyadh is collecting job applications from interested Pakistani Nationals.
Job Opening
Name of Candidate
Applicant Picture
Date of Birth
Mobile Number
Whatsapp Number
Resume Attachment
Work Experience in Pakistan (Years)
Work Experience in Saudi Arabia/GCC (Years)
What kinds of assignments have you performed during your professional career?
My professional skills are: (Communication, Teamwork, Time Management, Leadership, Multitasking, Lesson Planning, Active Listening, Computer literacy, Management Skills, Confidence)
Please type from the above mentioned options only
Please mention the name of some institutions where you have worked?
(Mention the Employer Name as well)
Currently Employed
Any professional Recommendation letter
What motivates you to apply for job in PISR?
About Us
Some Introduction about your company that you would like your website visitor to know. More people than you think will read your About page. People always like to know who the are doing business with. Be authentic and avoid using jargon like ‘value added services’ etc. Be sure to update your company history and list of key team members in Website > About Us Settings
How to Apply for Pakistan International School Riyadh Jobs 2024?
You can fill out the given form and submit. Please submit one form per person. Your information will be kept safe in the School records.
Only first submission will be accepted. The School reserves the right to reject any/all applications without notice.
Any application received after the last date will not be entertained. Apply Now