Punjab Rozgar Scheme Loan | Punjab Rozgar Loan | Punjab Rozgar Scheme – Small & Medium Enterprises are the back
bone of a country’s economy, and their growth is one of the key factors of economic uplift. Despite their importance, these businesses lack access to financing options. In order to give boost to this neglected sector, Government of Punjab has been working on various uplift initiatives which have been merged as a single scheme. “Punjab Rozgar Scheme”, launched by Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC) in collaboration with The Bank of Punjab aims to provide subsidized small business loans in the range of Rs. 100,000/- to Rs. 10,000,000/-
Punjab Government under the supervision of Mr. Shehbaz Sharif launched Punjab Rozgar Scheme to reduce the poverty and unemployment in the Punjab province. Under this scheme, more than 30 billion loans starting from 100,000 – 10,000,000 will be provided to the individuals to start a small business to get a suitable income. The individual will pay back the loan in easy installments.